Rainbow Bridge
This page is dedicated to all of our special animals who have now crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. We love and miss them all.
In December 2007 we lost our beloved Pygmy goat, Bucky. Never before has an animal left such a deep impression on our hearts. He was a source of great joy, fun, and delight in our lives. He was a faithful, albeit not always voluntary, companion, sidekick, and babysitter to all our other animals. He was a light that shone brightly every day of his life. He was our friend. And he will be forever missed.
We miss you Bucky. It is much darker here without you.
"For Bucky"
You cast a shadow as you walked,
That came from the light around you.
No matter where you walked,
Your little shadow was always there.
Your light would shine and bounce around,
And cast your little shadow.
And darkness would fall, my heart would lift,
And sadness would melt away.
When you left you took your little light,
And a piece of my heart with you.
But if I try really hard, and look really close,
I can still see your shadow play.
Last December (2009), we lost one of our most special friends and I have just now been able to post about it. Heidi was our little "special needs" goat. She required unusual care and was young when she crossed over, but she was never expected to be with us for as long as she was so all the extra time we had with her was a blessing. Heidi was a sweet, loving little goat and I miss her every single day. She meant the world to me and was a gift to our family in so many ways. Taking care of her taught us a lot about taking care of each other, and about not taking anything (or any day) for granted. "I love you Heidi! Tell my Bucky (and the others) hello for me."
We had a horrible tragedy with our little buckling Horatio (his momma's name is Horatia "H" for short) and we lost him. It is very sad for his mother and for us. He was a beautiful little buckling who showed a lot of promise. We will miss him.
Fox was one of our first babies. He came with Dana in February 2006. Unfortunately, we lost him only a couple of weeks later. We know enough about goats now to know that there wasn't much we could have done to save him because he was very sick and we didn't really know enough about it at the time. We did, however, give him a tremendous amount of love even if his stay with us was too short. We still miss him today.
My beautiful Cully was taken from us in 2008. I am just now able to add this write-up because of the pain that her loss caused us. We loved her and will miss her always. She was our little "monkey face."
Words cannot describe the pain I feel at writing about my Bridget. She was a very special animal baby to us (aren't they all?) and was taken away way too soon in her all-too-young life. She left a very dark hole. We love you and miss you Bridget!
My beautiful Ginger was only four months old when she crossed the bridge. She was a gorgeous Nubian and one of my cherished bottle babies. Unfortunately, she wasn't meant to be with us for long, but she changed our lives the short time she was here. We love you and miss you Ginger.
Our beloved Elvis crossed over the bridge in January 2011. Not a good way to start the new year and he will be terribly missed. We love you El!
Our little Susannah left us at the same time as Elvis. It was a really terrible month that will stay with us always. We miss you Susannah!
We lost a very valuable member of our family, and very old one, in 2010. Our beloved cat Chief was at least 19 years old when he crossed over and we still weren't ready. He led a very good and long life (at least 9) and gave us joy in every day he was with us. We love you Chief, and miss you!
My other angel (alien?) cat crossed over in 2010 also, not long after Chief. Hooper, who we truly believed was not of this world, left us with a big hole in our world (and our hearts). He had completed his data gathering to his Collective and moved on. But we will never be the same. Peace go with you Hoopie. We love you!
Lobo and Zorro were always together and are still together across the bridge. These two were a very special pair to our family and we will always love and miss them.